These are in addition to the fees noted under “Fee Structure”
Town Agent Fees
When determined by the Town Recreation Commission, a Town Agent(s) may be required to staff the event. This includes DPW staff. All costs associated with the employee’s overtime will be borne by the facility user.
Police Detail Fees
When determined by the Police Chief, a Police Detail Officer(s) may be required to staff the event. All costs associated with the employee’s overtime will be borne by the facility user.
Fire Detail Fees
When determined by the Fire Chief, fire personnel may be required to staff the event. All costs associated with the employee’s overtime will be borne by the facility user.
Fee Waiver Request Procedure
Applicants requesting a fee waiver for use of athletic or recreation facilities must do so in writing to the Tiverton Recreation Commission. Commission rulings may appeal to the Town Administrator. In order for organizations to be considered as a Town of Tiverton partner organization and/or co-sponsored by the Town, the organization must qualify as both a non- profit and be comprised of at least 80% residents, and provide a service or program open to the entire community free of charge. Youth groups must have at least 80% residents, with open registration regardless of skill level and provide an “everyone plays” philosophy. Organizations the Town partners with and/or co-sponsors may receive a fee waiver. User groups with fee waivers may be billed for fields/facilities that they have reserved and have not used.
Permit Cancellation and Refunds
Permits may be canceled and/or rescheduled. Permits canceled by the Recreation Commission, or due to inclement weather, may be rescheduled as availability allows or may be refunded in full (excluding seasonal permits). Permits canceled by the user at least ten (10) working days prior to the event or season start date will be refunded in full. No refunds will be issued if permitted use is canceled with fewer than ten (10) days’ notice. User groups with fee waivers may be billed for fields/facilities that they have reserved and have not used. The Recreation Commission may cancel use of Town fields/facilities for any of the following:
Town begins work involving any of the facilities.
School Department games or events.
When the health and safety of participants are threatened due to impending conditions, including but not limited to, heavy rains, pesticide spraying, and forces of nature.
When the condition of the field surface would be damaged by use (wet or saturated fields, standing water, excessive wear and tear, etc.)
Subleasing of facility by a permit holder.
Non-adherence to Recreational Facility rules outlined at https://www.tivertonrecreation.org/facility-rules
Notice of Field/Facility Exchange
Users may not sublease fields/facilities to any other entity or individual, either for free or at a cost, without written approval from the Tiverton Recreation Commission. Subleasing of fields/facilities may result in revocation of all permits. Permitted users are permitted to switch time slots with another permitted user but must receive permission from the Tiverton Recreation Commission.
Notice of Non-Use of Field/Facility
Any organization that has been allocated space and does not intend to use it according to the permit issued shall notify the Tiverton Recreation Commission so that the fields/facilities may be reallocated or otherwise used. User groups with fee waivers may be billed for fields/facilities that they have reserved and have not used. Non-use of a field/facility may also result in revocation of the allocated field/facility and future restrictions on reserving space.
Special Event/Tournament Procedures
Special Event/Tournament applicants must complete a Facility Request form. Submission of this form does not constitute approval. Approval is given according to allocation policy, after fees are paid and when a permit is issued. All general rules and reservation procedures as specified in this Manual are applicable during tournaments and for camps. Additional provisions for Special Events/Tournaments are as follows:
One (1) port-a-potty must be provided per field/facility for the duration of the event.
Trash receptacles must be provided at each field/facility.
Special Event/Tournament must receive Town approval to sell food and non-food items and/or allow outside third- party vendors to sell product on site (Example: Tournament t-shirt vendors). Any third-party vendor must receive approval directly from the Town and also provide proof of insurance.
All organizations conducting Special Event/Tournament using fields/facilities must meet with a representative of the Tiverton Recreation Commission and/or DPW at least thirty (30) days prior to the tournament date and complete a Tournament/Camp Checklist (located in this document).
A $500.00 non-refundable deposit, per field, is required with application. This deposit will be applied to the total rental cost of the Event/Tournament. Balance to be billed after an event when total number of games played has been determined.
Arrangements for the port-a-potties and/or trash may be made through the Tiverton DPW or handled independently with permission from the Tiverton Recreation Commission.
Town Staff (grounds, police and/or fire personnel) may be required to be present during the event. The Recreation Commission will determine the need for such staffing. All costs associated with Town staff being on site or required for preparation ahead of time or following an event will be the responsibility of the facility user. Any staff time required following an event needed to make the facility ready for the next users, even if after the event is over and the facility users have departed, is the responsibility of the facility user and will be billed accordingly.
Traffic and Parking
User groups must inform their participants and spectators to park in facility parking lots and public parking areas. If needed, user groups should post directional signs to assist participants and spectators to appropriate parking areas. When traffic and/or parking are an issue or during postseason tournament play, the user group or organization must provide volunteers to direct participants and spectators to designated parking areas. It is the user’s responsibility to alleviate traffic and parking issues. No vehicles are allowed on fields or property, other than parking lots, without written permission noted on the use permit issued by the Tiverton Recreation Commission. The Police Department may require personnel on site based on the size and event details. All costs associated with a Police Detail are the responsibilities of the facility user.
Road Races, Fun Runs & Walks
Any group wishing to use a facility for a road race, fun run, or walk is required to fill out the Facility Request Form. If any part of the race or walk takes place in a public roadway, then the Tiverton Police must be notified, and the permittee must adhere to all their requirements. Additionally, if any part of the race or walk takes place on a state roadway, then a Rhode Island Department of Transportation permit is required.
Athletic Field Lining/Marking
Lining of Town is prohibited without a permit.
Burning lines on Town fields is not permitted.
Any user failing to comply with established guidelines and notification requests are subject to pay for all damages occurring to the facility and the termination of field/facility use permit.
Field Modifications
Requests to modify, resize, add multiple field use, or improve any Town field or facility shall be submitted with conceptual drawings to the Tiverton Recreation Commission. No temporary or permanent structures or equipment shall be erected on any facility unless approved by the Tiverton Recreation Commission with subsequent approval required by the Tiverton Town Council. Certain improvements will require official building, electrical or other permits from the Public Works Department. Submission of a request to modify or improve a site does not constitute approval. Approval will be given according to Town policy. Approval will be provided in the form of a written document and will outline the scope of the project as approved.